Environmental & Sustainability Policy

The SMC Group’s business is about designing and creating high quality homes for people to enjoy; it is paramount that we give our clients a sustainable home to be proud of that reduces their carbon footprint.

Our goal is to deliver high quality homes that create communities for people to enjoy. Our goal is to be a world-class developer that generates sustainable and comfortable homes for future generations to enjoy.

We are committed to being a responsible business which thinks about the long-term. We seek to create a positive impact through our placemaking and designs that have a direct reduction on carbon emissions in the future.

We are a largely paperless company that operates in a manner that assists in reducing the need for printing and we have a strong remote working ethos; ensuring our team can reduce their carbon footprint by reducing the amount of commutes completed by our employees on a weekly basis.

We recognise the duty of all companies to assist with the global achievement of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and have used the goals to structure our approach.

We endeavour to:

  1. Achieve continual improvement in the area of sustainability to help our reputation as a sustainable business. We work in partnership with our stakeholders and support research and development to improve our approach.
  2. Design and deliver sustainable places, we put the fabric of the buildings first where possible and seek to supplement the energy requirements via low carbon energy solutions. By providing energy efficient places, we are encouraging our clients to assist in the task of reducing carbon emissions.
  3. We review the most sustainable energy solution with all our developments (in support of SDG 7 to ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all). Incorporating the appropriate clean and renewable technologies within our buildings.
  4. Design for climate change by future proofing our developments when possible and appropriate (in support of SDG 13 to take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts). We design for expected changes in climate, focusing on flooding, water shortage and ensuring thermal comfort as our climate adjusts to the potential changes.
  5. Use resources responsibly (in support of SDG 12 to ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns) Reduce the consumption of materials through careful design and site management. We reduce our employees carbon emissions through flexible working and Operate sites, offices and sales suites efficiently with regards to energy and water.  Specify and procure sustainable materials and services.


The SMC Group Sustainability Policy

Protect and enhance ecology and biodiversity (in support of SDG 15 to sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, halt and reverse land degradation, and halt biodiversity loss)  Use only certified timber and preferentially select certified wood-based products. We seek to incorporate green infrastructure and living roofs into our developments.

  1. Use water efficiently and reduce pollution (in support of SDG 6 to ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all) Ensuring all our properties have water efficient fittings that are WRAS rated.
  2. Encourage innovation and infrastructure (in support of SDG 9 to build resilient infrastructure, promote sustainable industrialisation and foster innovation) Enable the homes we build with high speed broadband and appropriate wiring infrastructure. Invest in research and development into emerging technologies and innovation.
  3. Support decent work (in support of SDG 8 to promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all) Attract and retain a talented and diverse workforce which operates in a safe, healthy and supportive working environment. Support the skills development and training of our own employees and those within our contractor workforce.

Ensure that slavery and human trafficking does not take place within our business and throughout our supply chain. All employees are responsible for adopting sustainability into their day-to-day activities. Ultimate responsibility for all matters related to sustainability rests with the Main Board of Directors. Sustainability is supported by a team of dedicated practitioners throughout the business and a network of champions.

This policy will be reviewed at least annually and amended where appropriate.